Everything You Need To Know About GenZ

After you must have read this post till the last sentence, everything you need to know about GenZ and GenZ in the workplace would have been answered.

Maybe your age cannot be classified as those known as Gen Zers, nonetheless you’ll find this post interesting to read because it discusses people who are part of society and are making waves in every facet of life.

What is GenZ?

Gen Z is rightly referred to as Generation Z. They are people born between the years 1997 and 2012. They are recognised as a particular generation that followed Millennials, including as people who grew up at a time when technology is rapidly growing, as evidenced through social media, and remarkable global events.

If you know anyone who’s born between the year 1997 and 2012, they are automatically a GenZ. And you can identify them by their style of commutation, values, and preferences.

Communication Style of GenZs

Informal language and tone when conversing

Brief texting – usually blunt


GenZs Values and Preferences

GenZ’s do not joke with these values and preferences, so, if you see anyone claiming to be a GenZ without these values and preferences, you may want to check them out again.

Self expression


Inclusivity and diversity

Authenticity Transparency

Mental health and wellness

Sustainability and environmentalism

To fully understand what a GenZ’s is, you must be open to grasp their uniqueness, style of commutation, values, preferences, and social interaction because they are everywhere – in your community, place of worship, family, and even your workplace!

What age is GenZ?

Like we earlier noted, GenZs are those born between 1997 and 2012. Try doing the math for anyone whose date of birth you are privy to, and is also a GenZ.

Interestingly, amid the back and forth of Generation Z and their age, the exact birth years for defining these sets of people is still debated.

While that is on, here’s what we know about GenZ’s age range Born 1997 – 2002: these Gen Zers are considered the oldest.Born 2003 – 2007: Middle Gen Zers Born 2008 – 2012: Youngest Gen Zers

What is After GenZ?

These guys are after GenZ’s – Gen Alpha and Gen Beta.Gen Alpha: Born 2013 – 2025Gen Beta: Born 2026 – 2024Gen Beta belongs to the generations that have not been born yet.

GenZ in the Workplace

After all we’ve said about GenZ, a look at GenZ in the workplace simply assesses how they view the workplace and their expectations. Research suggests that GenZ’s tend to prioritise autonomy, flexibility, and work that is purpose-driven.

They expect more because they are willing to offer more in how creative and innovative they are. Their expectations for the workplace are distinct from other generations, especially the Millennials.

They want diversity, inclusivity, and a place that prioritises their mental health. A workplace that is unhealthy mentally and disturbing puts GenZs off-balance.While they seek the best from any work, what GenZs bring to the table are innovative and creative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, social impacts that cuts across borders.

Employers can take advantage of these and provide:

Purpose-driven work

Entrepreneurial opportunities

Technological upliftment

Open communication and feedback

Work-life balance

While this particular generation can be seen as demanding, and largely distinct from other generations, remember that they possess what businesses need today to thrive in an ever competitive market – innovation, collaboration, transparency, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Identifying these key values as an organisation will foster business growth and success, which is the aim of every workplace.

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