Are you currently searching for a Job? Or are you wondering about some of the things you can do while job searching? The waiting period differs individually. To some people, It is either full of cruise or pressure affecting both their mental and physical health. However, what makes job hunting worth it In the end is the activities that took place during that period.
There is a story behind every success. The success of your job hunting is therefore tied to the amount of work you’ve put in during the period. We have put together a couple of things that you can do while you job hunt;
Equip yourself
There are a lot of criteria that stand as a clause for hiring companies before they can give an applicant a job. They want to see how experienced you are, your professional qualifications, and what you have been doing with your time before you got the job interview. All these can only be answered successfully by learning more about the job and the latest trends involved, taking professional courses and examinations, developing your communication skills, reading more books relevant to your line of work, and volunteering. Doing the above listed shows the level of seriousness and commitment that you are willing to put on the job.
Go out and network with people
This is essential to your career growth as meeting people and opening up to them on what you do could be the referral ticket to the dream job you seek. You can not meet people just by hiding inside the four walls of your room, you need to be the one to reach out to them and let them know you exist and the things you are capable of doing. For an introvert, it might seem really hard but sometimes you just need to push beyond the walls. There are so many places to meet people, it might be in transit, while you are exercising, at a conference online or offsite, market, or at religious places. All you need to do is have an open mind and pay attention to your surroundings.
Learn a skill
Learning a practical skill is important in developing your career beyond the theories you have, especially if your job requires practicals as much as theory. For instance, it is essential for a mechanical engineer or computer engineer to have practical skills that are beyond theory, skills they can use to practically fix a car or computer and not just the theoretical part. Learning a skill also keeps your hands busy. It keeps you engaged and makes you better in your profession. It also serves as an experience-gathering platform as you will be working with and for people. As the saying goes, an idle hand is the devil’s workshop. Most importantly, learning a skill gives you the opportunity to cater to your needs independently; more like a source of income. If you learn a skill and you are good at it, people will find you and refer you to others. However, you do not have to always limit your skill set to just vocational occupations. You can search for techno equipment or platforms that are being used in your profession or apps that are needed in your field. Learn how to use them and keep on practicing until you attain perfection. This will give you an edge over other people in a job interview.
Make yourself visible
Beyond the circle of people you have around you, there are billions outside ready to acknowledge and patronize your level of professionalism. With the use of social media platforms, you can put yourself out there for other people especially those that are outside your societal jurisdiction. Build your profile professionally, post what you do on your social media account, and comment on other people’s posts. Your comments should not be just for people related to your field alone but for anyone who has the potential to add to your career growth. However, keep your comment section professional with a little bit of humor.
Keep updating your CV and profiles
While applying for jobs, you need to be fully prepared as job interviews might pop up anytime. Ensure your CV and professional profiles are updated to your latest career development and skills. Also, ensure that your CV is properly and professionally written to meet the expectations and requirements of the job. Do not wait until you are caught unaware. You do not want to look disorganized to your intending employer through your CV or professional profile.
Following the above to-do list would help prepare you for that job interview, however, the most important part of job hunting that you need to focus on is YOU. Your physical and mental health is a priority, especially in a society full of pressure and expectations. Try as much as possible to be optimistic about who you are. You do need to wait for a job before you can make ends meet or be a better person. Hence, the need to occupy yourself with the list above. Keep your sanity intact and away from depression and stress. Be yourself and run at your own pace with discipline and diligence.