How much do State Civil Servants in Nigeria earn Annually? 

The gist in town is that Nigerian Civil Servants do not earn enough salary to cater to their needs. And, considering the current condition of the country, this may not meet the current cost of living. Also, recently we caught sight of a Twitter user who suggested setting aside a portion of your salary for enjoyment, but another user believed this advice wasn’t relevant to civil servants. 

Hence, the need for this article is to find out how much State civil servants in Nigeria are paid annually.

What category of workers are called civil servants? 

Civil servants are a very popular category of workers because of the organization they work for – the government. As government workers, they are saddled with the responsibility to implement government policies, provide the general public with different services, and keep the government institutions running. These civil servants can either be state civil servants or federal civil servants which means that they depend on different levels of government. However, for the purpose of this article, we will only be talking about the state civil service workers: 

The state civil service workers: They are employed by the state government and attend to all administrative, regulatory, and public tasks within the boundaries of their respective states. If you are already thinking of the roles that exist within these organizations, here you go: 

  • Engineers
  • Teachers
  • Lawyers
  • Secretaries
  • Public health officials
  • University lecturers
  • Constructors
  • Police Officers
  • Nurses
  • Agriculturists
  • Urban planners
  • Environmental inspectors 
  • Tax inspectors
  • Immigration officers
  • Architects
  • Public relations specialists
  • Transportation Planners
  • Census takers and so on

The Salary of State Civil Servants

Just as we have established earlier there are two categories of civil servants, this also explains that the salaries of both arms will not be the same. However, all of the civil servants receive their salary based on the specific grade they belong to, as the salary system is structured with 17 different grades with grade 1 being the lowest and grade 17 being the highest. Here is a breakdown of how they are being categorized: 

  • Level 01 – 07: Secondary school/Diploma/NCE holders
  • Level 08 – 09: Holders
  • Level 09 – 17 – Based on years of experience/working term/position 

It is according to these levels that state civil servants in Nigeria are paid:

Level 01: State Civil Servants in this category are paid between 25,300 – 27,000 monthly which amounts to an annual salary ranging from N303,6000 – N304,000. 

Level 02: Annual salary is between N320,000 – N335,100

Level 03: Annual salary is between N450,800 and N515,114,456

Level 04: Annual salary is  N550,800 

Level 05: Annual salary is 620,000 

Level 06: Annual salary is 620,000

Level 7: Annual salary is 720,080

Level 8: Annual salary is 760,000

Read Also: Annual Income of Federal Civil Servants

Level 9: Annual salary is 820,000

Level 10: Annual salary is 887,000

Level 11: Annual salary is 932,854

Level 12: Annual salary is 1,700,413

Level 13: Annual salary is 2,367,122

Level 14: Annual salary is 2,950,000

Level 15: Annual salary is 3,642,000

Level 16: Annual salary is  3,701,000

Level 17: Annual salary is 4,254,000

It is important to note that we are not saying for sure that these are the exact amounts the state civil servants are paid. It is possible that there may be variations but, according to our thorough research, these are the figures we could come up with. 

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