These tips will effectively help you sell your skills on X

X is a social media platform formerly called Twitter. It’s commonly referred to as the “bird app” by the majority of Gen Z users due to its logo. However, beyond the bird logo and black and white brand color, there is a lot more that can be done there. Currently, there are over 500 million people on the social network which means that you have the opportunity to sell yourself to quite a lot of people if you want. Of course, other social media platforms help you to do this too, but specifically, we will be talking about how you can go about it on X. 

What do I need to know about X? 

X is owned by Elon Musk who is a business owner and creative himself. While the platform may seem to other people as a place to unwind and drop their 2 cents, it has also helped people develop and sell their skills. However, to effectively sell your skills on X, it is important to have a thorough knowledge of how the platform works. There has always been a trend of how people join the platform and then leave and return because, according to them, using the platform is quite complex. While this may be the case for many people, if you are looking to sell your skills on X, you need to stay to get the hang of things so that you can blow your trumpet well. 

You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do

If you already have a Twitter account and just casually use it, good. If you don’t have an account, good too, because it is quite easy to open one. However, if you don’t know, you can sell your skills on X, and here are ways to go about it: 

Be an Active X User

There are a whole lot of people on X but not everyone comes there regularly. This is not exactly bad if you don’t have a skill to show the world but if you have exceptional skills and would want to sell yourself on the platform, it is important to be consistent on the platform. However, it’s not just enough to maintain consistency but also to actively participate on the platform. Follow people and connect with the relevant audience.

Let your Bio say what you do 

The X platform gives you access to a space called the “Bio” once you sign up for an account. The Bio on X allows you to tell your followers and intending followers what you do. It effectively describes your purpose and activities. 

Although your bio is expected to be brief, it must also be detailed. It can include both your personal and professional interests – you can even choose to tell a little story with it. Also, another good part is that you can craft and change your bio as many times as you want. 

Tweet regularly and be sure they align with your values, interests, and skills 

Popular Aproko doctor started by “always” simply imploring his followers to drink enough water. From then till now, he’s known for that casual phrase. Fast forward to now, Aproko Doctor creates content related to health and health practices. This means that he gets to be a content creator and a doctor who uses the X platform to sell his skills as both. If you want people to know you for what you do and possibly request your services, all you need to do is tweet regularly about your skills. 

If you are a human resource person, this means that you have enough knowledge of hiring and you can share interview or cover letter tips. Also, if you are a good writer, you can share valuable tips. Keep tweeting, more and more will retweet them till it gets to many people who need the tips. 

Recognize other X users within your field and follow them

If there is one thing about X users, it is the huge support that can come from people who understand your field and skills. Recognizing and following these people will not only allow a sense of community but also keep you updated with other things you may be oblivious to. Also, following people on X helps you to strengthen your presence on the platform and learn from other people too. When someone follows you, take a moment to review their timeline and assess if their content aligns with your interests or knowledge as this can lead to valuable networking opportunities. If you find that their posts resonate with you and offer insights you can benefit from, it’s a good practice to follow them back, enabling a mutually beneficial online relationship. 

Leverage the X space feature

The space feature on X allows users to create and participate in audio conversations. This means that you can hear the person at the other end speak and you can respond too. If you think there is a topic around your skill that might be impactful, then maybe there is a need to have a discussion and X space allows you to do that. You can decide to be the speaker or have a panel around. Also, people can join to be listeners so that they can engage in the conversation. Instead of waiting on tweet replies regarding a certain topic, X space makes sure that the speakers and listeners can communicate in real time. 

Recycle and Repost your old content 

An interesting feature on the X platform is the “retweet” feature, also known as “repost”. This means that you can recycle and share your old content with your followers. If you have something new to add to it, you can add a new tweet below the one you are looking to retweet or you can also quote the tweet with the most recent content. This feature helps to resurface important or popular posts, ensuring they reach a wider audience and continue to provide value over time. 

Anyone can sell their skills on X, whether you work from home or you go to the office. The only thing you need to put yourself out there on X is to open an account, that is the first step. 

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