Top 10 Questions to Ask an Interviewer during Interview

If you have been on a job hunting series back-to-back and wonder why recruiters are not sending you that email, this post is for you! Better still, if you have successfully got an email after a job application, but now requires you to attend an interview, you need this post.

Many times job candidates end up leaving an interview room without a dialogue. It is important you take the advantages thrown at you when your interviewer asks you, ‘’Do you have any question for us?” This should be seen as “This is my moment!”

Here are those questions to ask an interviewer during an interview.

Top 10 Questions to Ask an Interviewer During Interview

What are the biggest challenges facing the department right now, and how do you see this role contributing to solving them? The reason you are supposed to ask your interviewer this question is so that they truly understand that you have interest in bringing solutions to existing problems, instead of not being in the know. It gives you valuable information about what to expect if you were to join the company.

Can I know more about the company’s values and culture, if there are any?

This is a question that is crucial. While some companies are trying to embrace inclusivity and diversity, it is important to know what you are expected to do as an employee and how best to approach other employees. That way, you know if there is anything not compatible with your personal values.

How will my role fit into the existing organizational structure, and who would I be assigned to work with? The third question is an expression of your prospective role and how significant it is to the organizational goals.

This is a means of getting first-hand information about the people you would be working with. This is a win-win question that helps organisations save time, as well as help employees know what to anticipate.

What opportunities are there for professional development and growth within the company?We all want to grow and being in an environment that does not support your career growth can be unhealthy.

This question allows your interviewer to realise that you are a potential success to the company, because an employee who desires to grow can take impactful decisions that are able to increase the success of the company. As for the interviewee, this is a moment to discover if the company invests in its employees’ growth and whether or not there are opportunities for advancement.

What is the timeline for filing this role and how soon can I get feedback?

Remember that as a job candidate, you are likely to get offers from other companies, which is why you shouldn’t throw all your eggs in one basket.

Be open to know how long the company takes in giving feedback, especially how soon you are to resume should you get the job; this will allow you to do a proper job transition before leaving your current place of work.

Other questions we have also found helpful are: how does the company support work-life balance?; what are the wellness programs in place for employees?; what is the company’s management style of the supervisor?; how does the company approach performance evaluation?

We hope you found this post useful. You can find other helpful posts for your career here.

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