Valid Practical Steps that Every Direct Entry Candidate should follow for 2024 JAMB Registration

The Joint Admission Matriculation Board has announced that 2024/2025 registration for all potential Jambites has commenced. This means that anyone willing to gain admission into the university this year has to go to the nearest accredited center to register. 

Since the board announced that D.E. candidates will now have to write aptitude tests, this means that no one will be excluded from the registration and examination. And, according to JAMB, the UTME candidates will start their registration before the D.E candidates. 

The JAMB registrar, Ishaq Oloyede has communicated with the public that all measures have been put in place to ensure that every candidate enjoys a smooth experience. It was also announced that, for Direct Entry candidates, sales of DE application documents and E-pin vending will commence on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, and close on Thursday, 28th March 2024. 

However, the registrar has clearly stated that these application documents are only available at the JAMB offices. Now, before you make any registration moves, be aware of the following: 

  • You CAN ONLY register at Jamb Offices. 
  • You must have a National Identification Number (NIN)
  • The JAMB Direct Entry form is different from the JAMB UTME form, which is for candidates who want to apply for admission into the first year of the university program.
  • Upgrade from UTME to DE is available only to candidates whose DE results have not been released at the point of UTME registration and those who indicated at the point of registration that he/she is awaiting A-level results.
  • The DE fee for the 2024/2025 session is N3,500. Other payments include N700 for the CBT Centre registration service charge, N1,500 for the CBT Centre service charge for mock/UTME and N500 for bank charges/commission.
  • JAMB only recognises and accepts twelve qualifications/certificates.
  • You cannot apply for both JAMB DE and UTME in the same year.
  • The JAMB DE form is an online application form. You need to fill and submit it on the jamb portal.
  • Statement of result is accepted for registration only within three years of the date of award.

It is important to go through this information over and over again to be sure that you are doing the right thing. 

Payment Process for Direct Entry Students 

This is the most important part of your registration and you must pay full attention if you do not intend to make mistakes that may cause you to pay twice. You can make payment via: 

  • The Bank – Use the E-pin generated on the JAMB portal to pay.
  • Online Payment – Use your ATM or USSD code on the JAMB portal to pay 
  • POS Payment – Pay with POS at the JAMB office. 

Registration Procedure

  • Create your JAMB profile by sending your NIN to 55019 or 66019 as a text message. Write ‘NIN’ then space and add your 11-digit NIN number and send to 55019 or 66019
  • You will receive a confirmation code. At this point, be informed that the phone number you used to send your NIN will be linked to the candidate’s name and it is through this phone number that you get all relevant information. 
  • Log into the JAMB portal with the code.
  • Visit any accredited bank, CBT Centre or embassy ( for candidates in foreign countries) to get the JAMB e-PIN. You will need your confirmation code and pay the required fee to get the e-PIN.
  • After sending a message to 55019 or 66019, you will receive another message with – a 10-digit profile code, Registered name with NIMC, and Total cost for UTME with Mock and without Mock. 

This is how the message will look like; 

“Dear Adewale Adetoba, Your Profile code: 156081004 and NIN 24697820812. Visit, Quick Links, then IBASS for eBrochure. Buy a UTME pin with Mock N7,700, without Mock N6,200, and DE pin N6,200.”

  • The profile code is provided during the form acquisition process from various sources such as Banks, MMOs, MFBs, Switches, and USSD Partners. Following this, the form ePIN is dispatched to you via a text message.
  • Visit any JAMB-accredited CBT center with your E-pin to complete your registration. 

Follow all processes outlined carefully and ask questions when you need to. As usual, we are rooting for you! 

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