What to do when your body doesn’t feel like working on a workday

We’ve all been there. Sometimes, on work days, it is just hard to get out of bed. Your alarm rings off but you don’t know what to do with your body. To remain in bed or get out? But, work starts at 8:00am, and traffic is terrible on Lagos Island. You bring back all of these thoughts but your body still fails to respond. If you have ever felt this way, you are not alone. It’s a common experience that is usually related to a couple of factors. 

Why do I feel tired on a workday? 

There are different reasons you can get tired on a day you are supposed to make it down to the office. While everyone may have experienced this, the reasons for such an experience are unique to each person. However, here are a few reasons why it may be too much of a chore to get out of bed and go to work: 

  • Tiredness from the previous day

If you had a hectic day at work the previous day and you didn’t get enough time to rest, it is possible that you may feel tired in the morning and not want to leave your bed. Even after going to bed early hoping that you should feel refreshed in the morning, it doesn’t work like that sometimes. 

  • You no longer love your Job

Whenever you start to lack the enthusiasm to be at work, you may never feel good enough to get out of bed. This is usually because you no longer feel the same passion and fulfillment as you used to when you got the job. One thing with this situation is that it doesn’t just happen on a particular workday, there is a high tendency that you are going to feel this way for a long time. 

  • Bad mental health

Most times, the problem is not your job but you. You could be handling too much then it gets difficult for you to prepare for work. Depression, anxiety, loss of a loved one, failure, or any mental imbalance would not give you enough reason to be happy to be at work. Even on days that you try to let go, you struggle a lot. 

  • Illness

There are times when you go to bed fit and healthy but the next morning, you are wondering what the problem is. Your head aches and every part of your body is hot. Of course, the symptoms were there but you must have been too busy to see it. 

  • Workplace Disagreement

If anything happens at work and you have to disagree with a team member, you may not feel up to it to be at the office because seeing them can make you feel bad. If you don’t resolve quickly, it may cause increased tension which in turn affects your eagerness to get out of bed in the morning. 

What should I do on days like this? 

Whenever you feel stuck to bed on workday mornings, you can try out any of these tips, we hope they work: 

Use Multiple Alarms

The purpose of setting multiple alarms is to wake you up at different intervals in the morning. Instead of setting your alarm to ring at 6am, you can do 4:30am, 5:00am, 5:30am, and then 6:00am. If your alarm clock goes off the first time, you may get to snooze it and go back to sleep. When the 2nd rings, you are still struggling to be awake. By the time the 3rd and 4th alarm goes off, you must have been fully awake in your bed and unable to go back to sleep. 

Drink a cup of water 

Before going to bed, make sure that you have enough water closer to you, it could be a bottle. Sometimes, you may wake up in the morning and just lay on your bed because you don’t have enough strength to get up. Low energy and fatigue can be a result of dehydration, so drink some water as soon as you get out of sleep. Drink as much as you can; in no time, you may feel the need to use the bathroom and just like that, you are out of bed. 

Resolve every issue you may have at work the day before

Whenever you return home from work, your mind flashes back to what happened between you and your colleague at work. If this happens, do not go to bed without looking for a way to settle it. If you can, send them a text message or call them. When they respond, find calmer ways to let go of the misunderstanding, don’t argue, and don’t spend too much time making explanations. If need be, let them know that you are sorry and you are glad to have them as a colleague.  

Call in Sick (if you are really sick) 

If you can’t get out of your bed in the morning because you don’t feel well, you should call in sick at work so that you can take time to take care of yourself. However, ensure that you let your office know in time too so that they can make necessary adjustments in the workflow. Also, make sure that you notify the office of the number of days off you will need to get better. 

Turn on your lamp or light as soon as your alarm goes off 

Whenever your alarm goes off for the last time, turn on a bright light. Normally, humans sleep better in dark rooms than in bright rooms. Turning on a bright light signals to your body that it is time to get up. Also, the presence of light in the room is said to reduce the production of melatonin, a hormone that is responsible for making one feel continuously sleepy. If your light is a bit farther from your bed, that can also pose another problem. So, you may want to have modern lights that use alarms; the light goes on whenever the alarm goes off. 

These tips are simple ones and can help you, depending on the reason you find it hard to leave your bed. Don’t be hard on yourself; It’s completely normal to not feel like being at work on a work day. Such feelings are part of being human.

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