What You Can Do To Get a Good Yearly Employee Review From Your Employers

Everyone likes to be the favourite, whether it’s in the team, in the group, or at work where they work as employees. For students who are often tasked with getting recommendation letter, they may have been able to hack the trick of getting favourable reviews.

How about for organisations who has made it part of their work style to give out employee reviews yearly, how does an employee ensure he gets a good one?

What is an Employee Review?

An employee review is a formal evaluation of an employee’s job performance, typically conducted by their supervisor or manager. An employee review is also referred to as performance review or performance appraisal. The overall process and reward are overseen by the human resources department. The review is designed to assess the employee’s achievements, strengths, and areas for improvement over a specific period, usually quarterly, semiannually, or annually.

Purpose of an Employee Review

The purpose of an employee review includes the following:

Evaluate job performance and provide feedback.

Set goals and objectives for future performance.

Identify areas of improvement and development

Discuss career development and growth opportunities

Recognised and reward outstanding performance

Sample of Yearly Employee Review

This is a sample of yearly employee review for a Baker at Yummy Confectioneries.

January 17, 2025

Employee Name: Jessica Abah

Job Title: Baker

Department: Bakery

Review Period: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024

Overall Performance Rating: 4.5/5

Job Responsibilities

As a baker, Jessica is responsible for:

Assisting in the development and implementation of marketing campaigns of new confectioneries

Creating and scheduling pastries menu

Assigning assistants to fetch ingredients for clients’ products.

Working closely with the company’s sales team regarding feedback on products

Conceptualise and develop ideas for new products.


Jessica has had a successful year, achieving the following:

Developing new products that has increased sales

Helped in retaining existing and new clients

Given the assistants opportunities to explore opportunities for personal and company’s growth

Areas for Improvement

While Jessica has had a strong year, there are a few areas for improvement:

Identifying when to take a break in order to revitalize and re-strategise on less performing areas.

Communicating through the established and recognised channels.

Goals and Objectives for Next Review Period

For the next review period, Jessica will focus on attending training and development programs, assume a leadership role, and take a trip out of Lagos to London.

Development Plan

To support Jessica’s growth and development, we will provide the following:

– Training course

– Coaching and mentoring

– Opportunities for professional development and networking


Overall, Jessica has had a successful year, demonstrating strong skills and abilities in baking. While there are areas for improvement, we are confident that with the right support and development, Jessica will continue to grow and excel in her role.

Employee Comments

I really do appreciate Yummy Confectioneries for the opportunity to work on a variety of products and be the face of the bakery.

I look forward to attending the training courses and programs, as well as the exciting trip to London to further develop myself.”

Supervisor’s Signature:



January 17, 2025

Employee’s Signature:



January 17, 2025

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