Having discussed on various ways in approaching the functions and day-to-day activities of human resources, today, we will be looking at why integration and automation of software has become a thing among organisations, not only in Africa, but around the world.
As a continent with opportunities for economic growth, the fierceness and competition in the business environment makes businesses seek out ways to achieve result in the fastest and most productive manner. So while companies seek out ways to function in the utmost way that guarantees growth, job satisfaction, productivity, and career development, achieving organisational goals has become dependent on modern tools and innovation an organisation is willing to adopt.
Easing Administrative Burdens with Integration of Software
Integration and automation of software for businesses and organisations primarily refer to the adoption of human resources software that serves the purpose of eliminating the old or traditional method of carrying out HR functions.
Easing administrative burdens is a common and recognized advantage of adopting HR software. Rather than put effort into other strategies that can produce more realization of objectives and increase growth in the company, the human resources department is burdened with tasks when the old or traditional method is followed.
Workforce Analytics
Workforce analytics readily becomes accessible with the integration and automation of HR software. Whether it is a small business or a large business, monitoring workforce analytics and insights becomes easy, as well as data needed for informed decision making. In addition to easing administrative burdens, integrating and automating payments and other salient activities becomes seamless and easy to use.
Let’s look at this example: GIG Educational Consult has consistently used manual and paper work for all of its activities for the past seven years. Recently, the company was introduced to how human resources software functions for both small, mid-size, and large companies alike. Upon hearing about the simplicity, yet problem-solving ability of the software, the company decided to give it a try.
After six months of using the HR software introduced to the company, the presence of errors has been minimised. Training and development for employees has been implemented in a way that was not feasible before. The workforce analytics is readily accessible for informed decisions. Time attendance, helps to keep track of employee time management and effectiveness on the job has also increased the level of productivity achieved on the job.
Within a year, GIG Educational Consult has recorded an increase in employee job satisfaction, the rate of employee turnover recorded also on the job has reduced. Employees’ morale is on all-time high as never recorded since the company was established.
The integration and automation of software has demonstrated how efficient and effective a business can get. The human resources now have more time to focus on talent management and employee engagement towards the achievement of organizational goals and success.